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Revati (ரேவதி): Light and Path

Placement: 16° 40’ to 30° 00’ of Pisces

Element: Ether (Space/Akash)

Revati, the final nakshatra among the 27 in the zodiac belt, is associated with wealth and the safe passage of a soul from one body to another, and from one life to the next. It is also symbolic of transcending the jeeva atma (soul) to param atma (God), thereby representing moksha. Some vedic texts consider it as the birth nakshatra of Goddess Lakshmi, who is the bestower of wealth and prosperity. While the previous nakshatra, Uttara Bhadrapada, is also considered as the birth nakshatra of Lakshmi in several vedic texts, both nakshatras are often referred to as Lakshmi nakshatras. Revati also signifies pathways, reflecting the journey of the soul to a different loka after the death of its physical body on earth. As the last nakshatra, it encompasses the qualities of all the other nakshatras, representing maturity, wisdom, age, time, nourishment, and more.

Symbolism: Revati is symbolized as “a fish swimming in the ocean”, representing the journey of life for a living being on Earth. The water currents in the ocean change based on climatic conditions and the fish has to go with or against the current in order to survive. Similarly, humans must go with or against their destiny/karma for their survival. Another symbol is “a drum” representing celebration and communication. There is a strong connection between Revati and Dhanishta nakshatra due to the drum symbolism and the ability to provide wealth to the native. Additionally, Revati is associated with other nakshatras such as Bharani (yoni pair), Rohini, Pushya, and Uttara Bhadrapada due to their nurturing abilities. The third symbol of Revati is “pathways and safe travels”.

Deity: Pushan, one of the 12 Adityas, is the primary deity of Revati. He is known as a nourisher and bringer of light, illuminating the pathways of all souls. The Sanskrit word "push" means nourishment, which reflects Pushan's duty to travel across the universe, searching for souls and guiding them on their paths. Since he travels through different times, time and search are strongly associated with this nakshatra. Pushan is also linked to wealth because, according to Vedic texts, a soul's true wealth is attained when it connects with the universe or param atma. Thus, Pushan, who helps a mortal become immortal, is considered as the nourisher. Important to note that Pushan lost his teeth after being struck by Rudra once.

Lord Vishnu: Another deity associated with Revati nakshatra is Lord Vishnu. There is a clear connection between Lord Vishnu, the Pisces zodiac sign, and Revati nakshatra. In Hindu mythology, Lord Vishnu is often depicted as reclining on the five-headed serpent Adisesha above the ocean with Goddess Lakshmi by his side. If Pisces represents the ocean and Uttara Bhadrapada represents the serpent, then Revati can be considered as Lord Vishnu, sitting atop both of them.

Uttara Bhadrapada and Revati are “Lakshmi nakshatras”.

Secondly, both Uttara Bhadrapada and Revati are Lakshmi nakshatras so Lord Vishnu is fond of both these nakshatras.

Ruler: Revati is ruled by Mercury. Despite being the youngest among the planets, Mercury has been assigned the rulership of this nakshatra which represents wisdom and maturity. This is because on a higher plane, Mercury represents everything that Jupiter does but in its own unique way. Additionally, the close connection that Mercury shares with the three Sattvic planets (Sun, Moon, and Jupiter) further enhances its wisdom and intelligence.

Animal: The animal associated with this nakshatra is the “Female Elephant”. Elephants are revered for their immense strength, skill, nurturing nature, and familial bonds. In ancient cultures, they were considered symbols of wealth, and their ability to locate underground water made them essential for survival in many areas. All of these traits are strongly associated with Revati nakshatra.

Guna: Revati is a Sattvic nakshatra that emphasizes nourishment and abundance towards everything, including its enemies.

Power: It symbolizes "Kshira Dyapani Shakti" which is the power of nourishment through milk. Milk is the primary source of nourishment for infants and continues to be an important source of nutrition throughout life. Hence, this nakshatra represents nourishment at all levels, just as milk does.

General attributes: Individuals strongly influenced by Revati nakshatra are natural nurturers who enjoy making others feel comfortable and protected. They may have a tendency to lose and find things frequently, and could also experience dental issues. These individuals are fond of long-distance travels, whether physical or mental, and have a pattern of living multiple lives in one lifetime. They possess an adventurous spirit and tend to move to different places to start anew, much like pioneers. Additionally, those with benefic planets in this nakshatra may have a love for food. Atma karaka with highest degree in Revati in a person's birth chart indicates that the individual is an old soul. They tend to bring good luck to their own life and the lives of those around them. These are general traits and should be considered with discretion.

Remedy: Remedies for strengthening the positive qualities of Revati includes feeding a cow, practicing nurturing and helping others, gaining higher knowledge and sharing it with others through teaching.

Note: Reading about the predecessor Uttara Bhadrapada will provide a deeper understanding of Revati nakshatra.


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