Placement: 00° 00’ to 13° 20’ of Sagittarius
Element: Air (Vayu)
The quest for stability that begins at Swati culminates or transforms at Moola. Moola represents the center or the root of everything. The word Moola in Sanskrit means root or center. Moola nakshatra is the Black Hole (Sagittarius A*) which lies at the center of our Milky Way galaxy. When a star or nakshatra exhausts its nuclear fuel, it loses balance and collapses in on itself, ultimately becoming a black hole. While a black hole is technically considered a dead star, it is a mysterious and powerful celestial object in the universe, as everything in the galaxy is either directly or indirectly connected to it. The black hole may seem like a destructive force, but it is responsible for giving life to the entire galaxy.
Ruler: The nakshatra is ruled by Ketu, the planet of liberation or moksha. Moksha refers to being free from worldly attachments, which involves destroying those attachments to transform to the next level. According to the law of nature, we become what we consume. The more we consume something, the more we transform into that thing. For instance, if someone is a keen learner, they will become a living library from which others will learn. Similarly, Jyeshta, the previous nakshatra, represents extreme attachments, while this nakshatra represents the next level of attachment, which is transformation. Ketu provides the necessary stability for this transformation. Additionally, Ketu stores your past life karmas and releases the ripe ones to be experienced in your present life, whether they are good or bad. This process is called Prarabdha Karma.
Symbol: The symbol of this nakshatra is a "tied bunch of roots," which represents the central and hidden aspect of a plant or tree. Just like how the Black Hole is hidden from plain sight, roots are often overlooked but are essential for the vitality and stability of a plant or tree. Roots have also been used for medicinal purposes throughout human history.
Natural healers: Ashwini, Ardra, Pushya, Hasta, Anuradha, Moola, Dhanishta, Satabisha, Revati.
Deity: Moola is governed by the deity "Nirriti", who is associated with destruction. As per the Puranas, Nirriti is the goddess of destruction, representing transformation on all levels. The act of destroying something creates space for something new to emerge, which is an essential aspect of the natural order. Similar to the goddess Kali, Nirriti is associated with the destruction of negative elements and the creation of positive ones.
Animal: Associated with "male dog". Dogs are among the most popular pets worldwide, known for their ability to form strong connections with humans. They are highly regarded for their loyalty, friendliness, playfulness, sharpness, agility, and protective nature when required.
Guna: It is a sattvic nakshatra and the first one in the sattvic belt of nakshatras, known for its purity and divinity. Despite its association with destruction, which may seem contradictory to its sattvic nature, it is necessary to break all bonds and attachments, as emphasized by the worship of Goddess Kali.
Power: This nakshatra symbolizes "Barhana Shakti", which is the power to destroy or bring about destruction.
General attributes: Moola nakshatra is associated with breaking and making things, indicating that the native must let go of something in order to move to the next level and create something new. Being a gandanta nakshatra, individuals born under this nakshatra typically pay off a significant karmic debt to move forward. Moola lies at the junction of the tamasic and sattvic belt of nakshatras, which represents the transition from darkness to light. This transformation requires willpower and endurance, which are bestowed by the ruling planet and the ruling deity. As a result, people born under this nakshatra tend to be bold, sarcastic, straightforward, and active. They are also capable of grasping the central theme of any matter. Moola is known for its material prosperity, but balance is necessary to maintain stability. This can be achieved by grounding oneself and giving back to society through service or donations to charitable causes. It is important to note that these are general characteristics, and individual variations may exist.