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  • Business/Entrepreneurship Reading

    This reading offers a comprehensive evaluation of an individual's entrepreneurial capabilities, identifying strengths and weaknesses. It provides insights into viable business opportunities aligned with the individual's skills, interests, and market trends. Additionally, it offers guidance on the optimal timing for initiating or expanding business ventures. I will conduct a thorough consultation with you to analyse your birth chart and discuss your entrepreneurial goals. We will explore the following aspects: 1. The opportune timing for your business achievements and milestones. 2. Assessment of your aptitude for entrepreneurship, identifying your strengths and areas for improvement, and strategizing how to leverage them effectively. 3. Recommendations for remedies, if necessary, to address any hurdles hindering your path to business success. Following our session, you will receive a personalised horoscope and a comprehensive PDF report detailing our discussions and recommendations tailored to your entrepreneurial journey.

  • Career Reading

    Your career is what you do to earn a living, but it is also more than that. It is your way of contributing to society, making a difference, and achieving your goals. The 10th house in your birth chart represents your career, public image and reputation. It indicates your aptitude for different careers, your potential for success, and the type of career that will be most fulfilling for you. The 10th house is also associated with authority figures, such as your boss, mentors, and teachers. The planets in this house can indicate your relationship with these figures and how they may influence your career. I will conduct an in-depth consultation with you to assess your birth chart and discuss your career goals. We will talk about the following: 1.The timing of your career success and promotions. 2.How you will perform in your career, your strengths and weaknesses, and how you can use them to your advantage. 3.Remedies (if required) to overcome the obstacles in your path to career success. You will receive a detailed personalized horoscope and a typewritten PDF report outlining the discussed points.

  • D9 (Navamsha) Reading

    The D9 chart, also known as the Navamsha chart in Vedic astrology, is a potent tool that uncovers your hidden talents, true potential, and life path. It provides a detailed analysis of your birth horoscope, shedding light on your karma, relationships, and life journey. If you seek profound answers to life's questions, consider booking a D9 reading today! During this reading, I'll delve into your D9 chart to discuss: 1. Your true personality and life purpose. 2. Areas of strength and areas for growth. 3. Insights from past lives, karmic lessons, challenges, and obstacles. 4. Suitable career paths and relationships. 5. Future possibilities. This reading empowers you to realize your full potential, manifest your aspirations, and navigate your life's path with clarity.

  • Marriage Reading

    Marriage is a karmic union of love and attraction, but it can also be a way to settle major karmic debts from past lives. The 7th house in your birth chart, also known as the house of marriage and spouse, can reveal your karmic debts in relationships. In this in-depth consultation, I will analyze your birth chart and discuss the following: 1.What karmic debts do you have in your marriage, with your partner? 2.Are these debts positive or negative? 3.How are you going to pay them back? 4.What are you getting in return for paying back these debts? This includes 1.The timing of your marriage. 2.Insights into your marriage life and partner. 3.Potential remedies (if needed) to enhance your marriage. You will receive a detailed personalized horoscope and a typewritten PDF report outlining the discussed points.

  • Compatibility Reading

    Are you looking for a deeper understanding of your compatibility with someone or something? Are you wondering if you and your partner are truly meant to be together? Or maybe you're in the process of starting a business with a friend or colleague, and you want to make sure you're on the same page. If so, then a compatibility reading is the perfect option for you. I will analyze both your birth charts and identify the areas of your relationship where you have mutual understanding and the areas where you have potential challenges. I will also provide you with insights into your shared goals and values, as well as your communication style and conflict resolution skills. This information can be invaluable for anyone who wants to build a strong and lasting relationship, whether it's a romantic partnership, a business partnership, or a family relationship. By understanding your compatibility with the other person, you can make informed decisions about how to communicate, compromise, and resolve conflict in a way that is mutually beneficial.

  • Birth Time Rectification

    Time and place are the fundamental components that shape our existence. Place represents the three dimensions (tangible), while time represents the fourth dimension (intangible). When a newborn enters the world, their birth is recorded by capturing not only the physical location but also the precise moment in time. This temporal record starts from the year, month and date down to the hour and seconds, thus acknowledging the intricate nuances of the fourth dimension. It is important because the time remains in perpetual motion. Thus, the accuracy of the birth time, down to the seconds, becomes paramount in deciphering one's karmic blueprint and forecasting their destiny. In my practice, I introduce a novel approach to birth time rectification, employing reverse prediction techniques to refine inaccuracies and reveal the true birth time with precision. I've been honing this technique over the past four years to finally introduce it to the masses. To facilitate this process, I require detailed accounts of significant life events, including the date, month, and year of each occurrence. By meticulously analysing these pivotal moments across various divisional charts, I can trace the sequence of events backward, ultimately pinpointing the authentic birth time of the individual. If you have doubts about your birth time and possess records of eight or more past events with their respective dates, months, and years, I encourage you to engage in this transformative reading. Through this journey of self-discovery, we can illuminate the path ahead with newfound clarity and insight.

  • Education Reading

    Education is important for your personal growth and development. It helps you find your true identity, purpose, creativity, and happiness. 1.Do you find your education tiring? 2.Does your education help you develop specific skills? 3.Are you able to identify yourself through your education? 4.Will you be able to contribute to society through your education? I can help you answer these questions by conducting an in-depth consultation with you to assess your birth chart and discuss your educational goals. We will talk about the following: 1.The type of education that is suitable for you. 2.The timing of your successful higher education. 3.Remedies (if required) for a better path to education. You will receive a detailed personalized horoscope and a typewritten PDF report outlining the discussed points.

  • Prashna Reading

    Prashna reading is an ancient astrological technique that can be used to find answers quickly and easily. In most cases, your birth chart can provide the answers you need, but sometimes it may not be enough. This is where prashna comes in. Prashna literally means "question" in Sanskrit, and it is a technique for creating a birth chart for your question. This chart is calculated based on the time and place you ask your question. Once I have calculated your prashna chart, I will compare it to your birth chart. This will allow me to see how the energies of your question are interacting with the energies of your life. I will then share my findings with you over a call or an email. Prashna is a powerful tool that can help you to gain clarity and understanding about your life's pressing questions. If you are struggling with a difficult decision or facing a challenge, I encourage you to consider using prashna to find the answers you need. Note: This service is offered as a complimentary addition to other reading services and cannot be purchased separately.

  • Wealth Reading

    Attracting wealth is a difficult task, but your birth time can reveal the secrets to doing it. In this consultation, I will analyze your birth chart and discuss your future prosperity. We will discuss the following: 1.The timing of your incoming wealth. 2.The timing of your luxury purchases, such as a house or car. 3.Your ability to increase your life comforts. 4.The overall quality of your material well-being. 5.Potential remedies (if needed) to improve your material well-being. You will receive a detailed personalized horoscope and a typewritten PDF report outlining the discussed points.

  • Childbirth Reading

    Childbirth is a sacred act of bringing a new life into the world. It is the most precious and advanced task that humans can do. Our ancestors believed that the lifestyle of the parents during the time of conception and childbirth will have a major impact on the child's mentality and karma. Therefore, it is important to be prepared for this task. The 5th house in your birth chart represents your children and legacy. In this in-depth consultation, I will analyze your birth chart and discuss the following: 1.The type of life you will bring into this world. 2.Your legacy. 3.The timing of your child's birth. 4.The overall quality of your child's life. 5.Potential remedies (if needed). You will receive a detailed personalized horoscope and a typewritten PDF report outlining the discussed points.

  • Love/Relationship Reading

    This is an in-depth consultation where we will discuss your love life and relationships. I will analyze your birth chart and discuss the following: 1.When you are likely to meet your partner. 2.The quality of your relationship, including the level of romance. 3.The symbolism of your relationship. 4.Potential remedies (if needed) to improve your relationship. You will receive a detailed personalized horoscope and a typewritten PDF report outlining the discussed points.

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