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Education Reading

Focused on the timing of your successful higher education, creativity & mental evolution.

30 min
1,799 Indian rupees
Google Meet

Service Description

Education is important for your personal growth and development. It helps you find your true identity, purpose, creativity, and happiness. 1.Do you find your education tiring? 2.Does your education help you develop specific skills? 3.Are you able to identify yourself through your education? 4.Will you be able to contribute to society through your education? I can help you answer these questions by conducting an in-depth consultation with you to assess your birth chart and discuss your educational goals. We will talk about the following: 1.The type of education that is suitable for you. 2.The timing of your successful higher education. 3.Remedies (if required) for a better path to education. You will receive a detailed personalized horoscope and a typewritten PDF report outlining the discussed points.

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