In Sanskrit, the term "Mudra" refers to a gesture, symbol, sigil or a seal. Each one of us has our own unique mudra that sets us apart from one another - for instance, if you have a habit of always smiling, then that is your mudra. Whenever someone sees you, they will be greeted with your smile, and subsequently, every time they see a smile, it will remind them of you. This is the power of mudra. Every living being on earth has its own mudra, and by resonating with it, you can manipulate them at your will. In some cases, these mudras can also be intangible. For example, a plant or tree's mudra may manifest as signs of nourishment, which are demonstrated through their physical growth. They provide nourishment in the form of vegetables, fruits, medicines, shade, and more. Thus, mudras are an essential aspect of life.
Note that mudras can also help determine which planet is strong and weak in your astrological chart. Try performing a mudra in your hand and observe which one feels the easiest to do. The mudra that feels the easiest is likely associated with your strongest planet.
Five Elements (Pancha Bhutas)
The Pancha bhutas, also known as the five elements, form the fundamental basis of the universe. The five elements are:

Ether or Akash or Space
Gas or Vayu or Air
Heat or Agni or Fire
Liquid or Jala or Water
Solid or Prithvi or Earth
These elements are the building blocks of everything in the world, from the smallest particle to the largest celestial body. Each element has its unique characteristics and associated properties, and they work together in a complex interplay to create the world around us.
According to Vedic philosophy, the order of the five elements is maintained in the above said manner because the ancient sages had knowledge (long before our scientists) that ether or akash is space itself, which is the primary element that gave rise to gas formations (the 2nd element) that subsequently created heat, also known as fire (the 3rd element). With time, this fire cooled down to become liquid (the 4th element) and eventually solid (the 5th element).
Ether is composed solely of intangible matter or what we now call "dark matter." Gas is composed of both ether and gas. Heat is composed of ether, gas, and heat. Liquid is composed of ether, gas, heat, and liquid. Solid is composed of ether, gas, heat, liquid, and solid.
Each of the five elements has two associated properties:
Ether: space and sound
Air: expansion and touch
Fire: heat and light
Water: liquidity and taste
Earth: stability and smell

Humans, animals, plants, planets, stars, and galaxies are all composed of the same five elements. However, the final composition varies depending on their elemental combination. For example, if you are thin and your brother is fat, it means that you have a higher proportion of the fire element in your body, while he has more of the air/water element. Essentially, whatever you perceive externally exists within you, albeit in a different form, and vice versa. In Ayurveda, if you read that the Sun is linked to your digestive organ, it indicates that the digestive organ is made up of the same pitta (fire) element that created the Sun. Therefore, they are interconnected due to the same source energy. You can rectify your digestive organ by fixing your Sun or vice versa. The same holds true for every other part of the body.
Pancha Indriyas
The Pancha Indriyas refer to the five external sensory organs in our body, namely the ear, skin, eye, mouth, and nose. The term "Indriya" means equipment, and in Ayurveda, it is referred to as the organ. Our organs can be considered as our equipment. The Pancha Indriyas correspond to the five elements as follows:
Ether - Sound - Ear (Shrotra)
Air - Touch - Skin (Sparshana)
Fire - Light - Eye (Chakshu)
Water - Taste - Mouth (Rasana)
Earth - Smell - Nose (Ghraana)
Surya Mudra

The Surya Mudra is associated with the agni (fire) element, and is believed to help establish a connection with the Surya (Sun) within you. It is particularly helpful in improving the fire element in your body and mind, especially if it is weak in your birth chart. As Surya is the significator of the 1st and 10th houses in astrology, practicing this mudra can potentially help you address various aspects of your life, including your social responsibilities.
Guru Mudra

The Guru Mudra, also known as Gyan Mudra, is intended for the vayu (air) element of the body. This mudra helps you connect with the Guru within you, which is important for achieving balance, wisdom, and increasing your life expectancy. Guru is a natural jeeva karaka (significator of life), and this mudra can also help slow down your breath, leading to an increase in life expectancy.
Prithvi Mudra

The Prithvi Mudra is associated with the earth element, and it can help you ground your energy by improving your Venus that is connected to the earth element. Venus represents the beauty that grounds you in this earthly realm, so practicing this mudra can align your energy accordingly.
Buddhi Mudra

Buddhi Mudra, also known as Varuna Mudra, is used to balance the water (jala) element in the body. This mudra helps you connect with the Budha (Mercury) within you, which is responsible for the logical analysis of the world. This ability sets humans apart from animals, much like how the presence of water distinguishes Earth from other planets. The mudra also helps regulate the water content in our body.
Akash Mudra

Akash Mudra, also known as Shani Mudra, is believed to balance the ether (akash) element in the body. Ether is the space that exists both inside and outside of us, from the microcosmic to the macrocosmic level. Practicing this mudra can help you reconnect with the collective consciousness and align your emotions. It is considered a mudra of enlightenment.
Chandra Mudra

Chandra Mudra, also known as Moon Mudra, is associated with the water and earth elements. This combination of two elements represents life, making the mudra a lifesaver. It is believed to enhance the mind and body by bringing alignment between thoughts, words, and actions. The mudra is also said to have a calming effect on the mind, helping to alleviate fear, anxiety, and depression.