Padam Chakra offers an intriguing method to forecast yearly events. It aligns the houses in your birth chart with each passing year of your life. Curious to know how this simple system could unravel the blueprint of life's yearly chapters? Let's go.
Padam Chakra, a method in Nadi Astrology, interprets yearly predictions by correlating the houses in a birth chart to years in life. Initially, each house represents a corresponding year—e.g., the 1st house signifies the 1st year, the 2nd house signifies the 2nd year, and so forth. After reaching the 12th house, the cycle resumes, continuing with the 13th year corresponding to the 1st house, the 14th year to the 2nd house, and onward.
This representation serves to illustrate the anticipated themes for each year simplistically.
For instance, if the ascendant lord (1st lord) resides in the 7th house, the 1st, 13th, 25th, 37th, 49th, and 61st years might revolve around themes of attentive listening, serving others, engagement in business, partnership endeavors, or matters concerning the spouse. Likewise, if the 2nd lord is positioned in the 5th house (four houses away from the 2nd house), the 2nd, 14th, 26th, 38th, 50th, and 62nd years might emphasize education, creative pursuits, involvement in performing arts, political interests, matters pertaining to children, or ancestral assets.
Each year of life corresponds to a specific house, prompting analysis based on the themes associated with that house and the position of its lord. By doing this, one can forecast the predominant themes of each year of one's life starting from their birthday.